Brokerage Fee
Standard fees for licensed real estate agents
Solicitor Fee
Legal Processing Costs and Fees
Appraisal Fee
Registration Cost
Include tax, fees, housing bonds
Housing Bond
Purchases as a legal requirement
Acquisition Tax
Taxes for acquisition real estate
Property Tax
Comprehensive Real Estate Holding Tax
Capital Gains Tax
Transfer income tax
Corporation Tax
Corporation tax for arbitrage
Gift Tax
Taxes on giving property for free
Inheritance Tax
Inheritance Tax on Death
Rental Income Tax
Taxes on home rental income
Global Income Tax
Taxes on the sum of all income
Lease Insurance
Lease deposit return guarantee insurance
Deposit/Saving Interest
Debt To Income
Debt Service Ratio
Loan To Value
Rent To Interest
Loan Limit
Value To Loan
Auction Cost
Application for auction, deposit
Auction Dividend
Dividend on auctioned bid
Auction Bid Loan
Financial products for auction
Early redemption fee
A penalty for paying off a loan early
Rental Yeild
Profit calculation for real estate rental business
Rent/Deposit Transition
전세 ↔ 월세 전환 계산
Rent/Deposit Adjust
월세, 보증금 조정 계산
Pyeong Conversion
Conversion of international units to Korean pyeong
대지권 비율에 따른 평수
건폐율 및 용적률 간단 계산